Type 2 diabetes can easily be overlooked because symptoms often develop slowly and may not be noticed for years. Symptoms when they do occur, such as fatigue, may be vague and can easily be ignored or attributed to other less serious causes.
However, regular medical care can quickly and efficiently screen for the disease. Type 2 diabetes can be diagnosed during a routine office visit using a combination of history, physical exam, and simple tests, such as a fasting blood glucose test, random blood glucose test, and urinanalysis performed on urine. The newest form of testing for type 2 diabetes is the glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test, which measures the average overall blood sugar for the past several months.
:Type 2 diabetes may be misdignosed to
1-Autoimmune Diabetes Insipidus
3-Gestational diabetes
4-Impaired glucose tolerance
5-MODY diabetes
7-Prostate Cancer
9-Type 1 diabetes
Failure To diagnose Type 2 diabetes may be associated with the following:
–MODY diabetes is often undiagnosed as suffers are usually thin and relatively young
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can lead to complications such as: hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia and diabetic coma.
-Long term high insulin levels increases the risk of premature hardening of the arteries.
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause eye damage (diabetic retinopathy) which can result in reduced vision or even blindness
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy) which can result in kidney damage or even kidney failure in severe cases
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) which can result in peripheral neuropathy (pain, tingling, buzzing, loss of sensation in hands and feet). Nerve damage can also lead to loss of bladder control, impotence, erectile dysfunction or even leave a person unable to walk
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause foot ulcers which can become infected and in some cases ultimately require amputation
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause cognitive problems leading to premature memory problems and dementia – especially in the elderly. It is believed that it also increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes results in poor circulation which can lead to various skin and blood vessel problems
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
-Undiagnosed or poorly-controlled diabetes can cause poor control of heart rate and blood pressure during changes in posture (e.g. when standing up)
-Poorly controlled or undiagnosed diabetes can result in an increased risk of infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, mucocutaneous candidiasis, staphylococcal infections, cystitis and pyelonephritis
-Poorly controlled or undiagnosed diabetes can also cause depression, sleep apnea, neuropathic joint damage and tendon rupture
Complications Of Misdiagnosis Of Type 2 diabetesThe following may be complications of misdiagnosis of Type 2 diabetes:
–A person who does not fit the profile for a particular type of diabetes may be diagnosed with the wrong type of diabetes and hence appropriate treatment is not received and the patient’s health may suffer as a result
-Vision problems (blurred vision, impaired vision) may be misdiagnosed as allergy or even simply as an independent eye problem
-Nerve problems caused by diabetes may be misdiagnosed as neuropathic disorders such as cauda equina lesion, lumbosacral plexopathy and, autonomic neuropathy
-Vulvovaginitis, pruritus vulae and balanitis may be diagnosed as a simple Candida albicans infection but it may in fact be a result of diabetes
-A staphylococcal skin may be a diagnosed as an isolated skin infection whereas it may in fact be a complication of undiagnosed diabetes
-Impotence may be a diagnosed as an isolated sexual dysfunction condition whereas it may in fact be a complication of undiagnosed diabetes
-Increased urination associated with type 2 diabetes may be diagnosed as a urinary infection
Other Notes On Misdiagnosis Of Type 2 diabetes:
–Classification of type 2 diabetes by measuring fasting basal plasma glucose level
-Mild: <140 mg/dL Insulin rarely needed, managed through diet and exercise
-Moderate: 140-250 mg/dL Basal insulin therapy, usually needed as well as diet and exercise
-Severe: >250 mg/dL Insulin regimen is required daily
–Very severe: >250-300 mg/dL Treatment same as for type 1 diabetes
–Treatment plans need to be regularly monitored as glucose control can deteriorate even with treatment or may improve substantially
–Pregnant women who suffer gestational diabetes are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life
-Long periods of hypoglycemia can cause brain damage, coma or even death
-Nerve damage due to diabetes can cause loss of sensation and hence it is important to regularly check the feet for ulcers or sores that can become infected
-Diabetics have a reduced ability to fight infection and are thus more susceptible to conditions such as pneumonia, influenza, bacterial and fungal infections
-Various factors can exacerbate diabetes: stroke, heart attack, pregnancy, surgery, trauma, infection, increase in weight, endocrine disease, reduced exercise and certain drugs
-Type 2 diabetes has an insidious onset compared to type 1 which has a rapid onset
-Many type 2 diabetics are asymptomatic
-Acute illness, trauma and surgery may temporarily increase blood sugar levels which can lead to a misdiagnosis of diabetes
Reference: wrongdiagnosis.com
Done by: Dr.Almaha almutlaq